Miners Announce Gold Rush for Childhood Cancer Game In Support Of The Valerie Fund - Sussex County Miners
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Miners Announce Gold Rush for Childhood Cancer Game In Support Of The Valerie Fund

Miners Announce Gold Rush for Childhood Cancer Game In Support Of The Valerie Fund

Sussex County, NJ, May 2024– The Sussex County Miners are proud to announce their third annual , Gold Rush Night, dedicated to raising awareness and funds for childhood cancer. This meaningful event will take place on Saturday, June 1, 2024, at Skylands Stadium. The Miners will wear unique Gold Rush jerseys featuring a gold ribbon on the back, symbolizing the fight against childhood cancer.

Gold Rush Night is being held in partnership with The Valerie Fund, a renowned organization dedicated to providing support for children with cancer and blood disorders. All proceeds from the evening’s post game jersey auction will be donated to The Valerie Fund, helping to fund critical services and support for affected families in the North Jersey area.

Event Highlights:

  • Special Gold Rush Jerseys: The Sussex County Miners will wear exclusive Gold Rush jerseys during the game, which will prominently feature a gold ribbon on the back. These jerseys are a symbol of solidarity and support for children battling cancer.
  • Post-Game Jersey Auction: Fans will have the opportunity to bid on these one-of-a-kind jerseys in a live auction during the game and get them autographed by the players post game. All funds raised from the auction will go directly to The Valerie Fund.
  • Charity Awareness: Throughout the night, there will be an informational booth, and activities aimed at raising awareness about childhood cancer and the work of The Valerie Fund.
  • Family-Friendly Activities: Attendees can enjoy a variety of family-friendly activities, including games, and a special appearance by Herbie the Miner, the team mascot.

“We are honored to host Gold Rush Night and support the incredible work of The Valerie Fund,” said Vin Sangemino, General Manager of the Sussex County Miners. “This event is a wonderful opportunity for our community to come together, raise awareness for childhood cancer, and contribute to a cause that impacts so many families.”

The Sussex County Miners invite all fans and community members to join them for this important and inspiring event. Tickets for Gold Rush Night are available now and can be purchased through the team’s official website or at the Skylands Stadium box office.

For more information on Gold Rush Night and how you can participate, please visit http://sussexcountyminers.com/ or contact the front office at 973-383-7644 or by email at contact@scminers.com

About The Valerie Fund:
The Valerie Fund is a nonprofit organization that provides support for the comprehensive health care of children with cancer and blood disorders. Founded in 1977, The Valerie Fund operates seven Valerie Fund Children’s Centers for Cancer and Blood Disorders located in major hospitals in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.

For more information about the Valerie Fund please visit https://thevaleriefund.org/

Tickets for the upcoming 2024 season are now available for purchase. For more information and to secure your season tickets, visit http://sussexcountyminers.com/. Be a part of the excitement, and join us in cheering the Miners throughout the season! Catch all Sussex County Miners games LIVE exclusively through our partners at FloSports with the following link https://share.flosports.tv/SHb0

The Sussex County Miners are one of sixteen teams to play in the Frontier League, the oldest continually running independent league in the United States and a Major League Baseball Partner League.  The Miners play a 96-game schedule from May to early September, and their 48 scheduled home games are at Skylands Stadium in Augusta, NJ.