America's Pastime Auto Show at Skylands Stadium Friday June 28th - Sussex County Miners
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America’s Pastime Auto Show at Skylands Stadium Friday June 28th

America’s Pastime Auto Show at Skylands Stadium Friday June 28th

Sussex County, NJ, June 2024– Join Us for America’s Pastime Auto Show at Skylands Stadium!

Date: Friday, June 28th, 2024
Time: 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Location: Skylands Stadium, 94 Championship Place, Augusta, NJ 07822
Vehicle Registration Fee: $20

Entrance to the car show is free!

Experience the perfect blend of classic cars and America’s favorite pastime! Skylands Stadium, home of the Sussex County Miners, is hosting the “America’s Pastime Auto Show.” Enjoy a spectacular display of beautiful cars followed by a thrilling professional baseball game.

Event Highlights:

Car Show: Explore a wide range of stunning vehicles.

Baseball Game: Watch the Sussex County Miners in action against the Evansville Otters.

Trophies: Awards for Fans Choice and Stadium Choice.

Charity: 50/50 raffle benefiting the Sussex County Fire Police Association.

How to Register: To participate, please email Alex at

Bring your family and friends for an unforgettable day of cars, baseball, and community spirit!

Tickets for the upcoming 2024 season are now available for purchase. For more information and to secure your season tickets, visit Be a part of the excitement, and join us in cheering the Miners throughout the season! Catch all Sussex County Miners games LIVE exclusively through our partners at FloSports with the following link

The Sussex County Miners are one of sixteen teams to play in the Frontier League, the oldest continually running independent league in the United States and a Major League Baseball Partner League.  The Miners play a 96-game schedule from May to early September, and their 48 scheduled home games are at Skylands Stadium in Augusta, NJ.