Miners Baseball Cards Terms and Conditions - Sussex County Miners
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Miners Baseball Cards Terms and Conditions

2024 Sussex County Miners Baseball Card Competition Terms and Conditions



Welcome to the Sussex County Miners Baseball Card Competition (“Competition”). By participating in this Competition, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. Please read them carefully before entering.



  1. Participants: The Competition is open to all legal residents of the United States
  2. Exclusions: Employees, officers, and directors of Sussex County Miners, its affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising and promotion agencies, and immediate family members (spouse, parents, siblings, and children) and/or those living in the same household are not eligible to participate.


Entry Period

The Competition begins on May 10, 2024 and ends on September 1, 2024 (“Entry Period”). All entries must be received by 11:59 PM EST on the last day of the Entry Period.


How to Enter

  1. Baseball Cards: Grab your free baseball cards at the front gate before each game! Aim to collect all 27 cards throughout the season. Only 100 cards will be given out each week so get here early and make sure you get your cards. Cards will also be available for purchase in the Miners Team Store.
  2. Autographs: Participants must get each of the 27 cards signed by the respective players and coaches.
  3. Entry Submission: Once all 27 cards are signed, participants must submit their complete set to the Sussex County Miners Front Office by the end of the Entry Period.


Winner Selection

  1. Judging Criteria: Entries will be evaluated based on the completeness of the set and the authenticity of the signatures.
  2. Judging Panel: A panel of judges appointed by Sussex County Miners will verify the entries.
  3. Winner Notification: Winners will be notified via Phone Call and Email within 14 days after the end of the Entry Period.
  4. How to collect your prize: Go to the fan service cart to collect your prize on either August 31st (Fan Appreciation Night) or September 1st (The Greatest Night in Baseball).



  1. Prizes: 2024 Season Tickets
  2. Conditions: Prizes are non-transferable and no cash alternative will be offered. Sussex County Miners reserves the right to substitute a prize of equal or greater value. Season Tickets will be limited to one ticket per family for fans over 12 years old.



By entering the Competition, participants agree to allow Sussex County Miners to use their name, likeness, and entry for promotional and marketing purposes without additional compensation.


General Conditions

  1. Compliance: All federal, state, and local laws and regulations apply.
  2. Disqualification: Sussex County Miners reserves the right to disqualify any entry that does not comply with these Terms and Conditions or attempts to tamper with the entry process.
  3. Liability Release: By entering, participants agree to release and hold harmless Sussex County Miners, its affiliates, subsidiaries, and each of their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents from any and all liability for any injuries, loss, or damage of any kind arising from or in connection with the Competition or acceptance or use of any prize won.
  4. Privacy: Personal information collected from participants will be used solely for the purposes of administering the Competition and will not be shared with third parties except as necessary for the administration of the Competition.


Family Fun Sundays

  1. Don’t miss out on our family fun Sundays and join us on the field after the game for a **Meet the Miners Autograph Session** and an opportunity for you to get your cards signed.



Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Competition shall be governed by the laws of the State of New Jersey, without regard to its conflict of law principles. Any legal actions or claims must be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction within the State of New Jersey.



For any questions or inquiries about the Competition, please contact us at: Sussex County Miners





Sussex County Miners reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be posted on our official website.

By entering this Competition, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and the decisions of Sussex County Miners, which are final and binding in all respects.