Miners Baseball Cards - Sussex County Miners
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Miners Baseball Cards

2024 Sussex County Miners

Baseball Card Promotion

How It Works:

Every Sunday during the season, the Sussex County Miners are giving away 3 exclusive baseball cards featuring your favorite players and coaches! These cards are limited edition and only available while supplies last.

Get Your Cards Signed:

To add to the excitement, fans have the opportunity to get their cards signed by the players during the Sunday Post-Game Player Autograph Session. Remember, you must wait until the end of the game to participate.

The Ultimate Collection Challenge:

  • Total Cards: 27 cards to be collected throughout the season.
  • Weekly Releases: 3 new cards released every Sunday.
  • Autographs: Get each card signed by the corresponding player or coach.

The Grand Prize:

Collect and get all 27 cards signed, and you’ll receive a FREE SEASON TICKET for the next season! (see Terms and Conditions)

Missed a Sunday Game?

Don’t worry! If you miss a game, the baseball cards will be available for purchase in the team store. Make sure to complete your collection and get those autographs!

Currently Released Cards