Launch-A-Ball - Sussex County Miners
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Launch-A-Ball Rules

  • During gametime you can purchase brown paper bags containing 5 tennis balls and a ticket for $5
  • After the game, multiple hula hoops are placed on the field with signs behind each indicating a prize
  • Contestants launch their tennis balls to try to land in the hula hoops
  • If you have a winning ball you earn that prize but you MUST HAVE YOUR TICKET TO MATCH WITH THE CODE WRITTEN ON THE TENNIS BALL to show proof that you have won! If you do not have the ticket you will not win. 
  • If you win a free game ticket it is for upper and lower level seats only and cannot be exchanged or upgraded to any other seat type! You must also go to the box office the day of the next game you are attending to claim your seat upon arrival to use the ticket.
  • If you win a VIP Suite you will receive a business card from one of our sales representatives who will contact you to work out a date for your suite. ONLY WEEKDAYS ALLOWED (Tuesday-Friday Games).