Gold Rush for Childhood Cancer - Sussex County Miners
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Gold Rush for Childhood Cancer

The Sussex County Miners’ Gold Rush initiative is an annual event designed to raise awareness and funds for childhood cancer. Held at Skylands Stadium, this special night features various activities centered around supporting children battling cancer and their families. Key components of Gold Rush include:


  1. Special Gold Rush Jerseys: The Miners wear exclusive jerseys adorned with a gold ribbon, symbolizing the fight against childhood cancer.

  2. Post-Game Jersey Auction: Fans have the opportunity to bid on these unique jerseys in a live auction after the game, with all proceeds benefiting The Valerie Fund, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting children with cancer and blood disorders.

  3. Awareness and Education: The event includes informational booths and activities aimed at educating attendees about childhood cancer and the support services provided by The Valerie Fund.

  4. Family-Friendly Entertainment: The evening features a variety of activities for families, including games and appearances by the team mascot, Herbie the Miner.


Gold Rush Night is a community-focused event that not only provides a fun evening of baseball but also brings people together to support a meaningful cause.