5/14 Post Game Report: Quebec Capitales vs. Sussex County Miners - Sussex County Miners
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5/14 Post Game Report: Quebec Capitales vs. Sussex County Miners

5/14 Post Game Report: Quebec Capitales vs. Sussex County Miners

Sussex County, NJ, May 2024 – The Sussex County Miners fell to the reigning Frontier League champions, the Québec Capitales, with a final score of 5-3 in a rain-soaked contest.

Miners’ pitchers Noah Robinson and Bobby Curry made their Miners debuts under challenging conditions. Robinson pitched one inning, allowing one run on four walks, while Curry delivered two solid innings, giving up no earned runs and striking out one. Billy Parsons (0-1) was charged with the loss after allowing two runs over his two innings of work.

Offensively, the Miners were led by Alec Sayre and Cory Acton. Sayre doubled to drive in a run, and Acton contributed an RBI single in the 8th inning, which briefly brought the Miners within a run of the Capitales. Despite their efforts, the Miners managed only six hits against a strong Québec pitching lineup.

Defensively, the Miners committed two errors, contributing to the Capitales’ scoring. The team will look to tighten up their play as they move forward in the season.

Overall, despite the loss and adverse weather conditions, the game provided valuable experience for the Miners’ young talent. They will seek to rebound in their next matchup on Thursday May 16th, 2024.

Upcomming games for the Miners include:

  • Thursday, May 16th 2024, 11:05am, Quebec Capitales vs. Sussex County Miners | Doubleheader | Education/School Day
  • Friday, May 17th 2024, 7:05pm, Ottawa Titans vs. Sussex County Miners | Youth Sports Night
  • Saturday, May 18th, 6:35pm, Ottawa Titans vs. Sussex County Miners | Willy Wonka Night
  • Sunday, May 19th, Ottawa Titans vs. Sussex County Miners | Family Funday Sunday + Baseball Card Giveaway

Tickets for the upcoming 2024 season are now available for purchase. For more information and to secure your season tickets, visit http://sussexcountyminers.com/. Be a part of the excitement, and join us in cheering the Miners throughout the season! Catch all Sussex County Miners games LIVE exclusively through our partners at FloSports with the following link https://share.flosports.tv/SHb0

The Sussex County Miners are one of sixteen teams to play in the Frontier League, the oldest continually running independent league in the United States and a Major League Baseball Partner League.  The Miners play a 96-game schedule from May to early September, and their 48 scheduled home games are at Skylands Stadium in Augusta, NJ.